Explore our up-to-date pie chart of all the different nationalities that have chosen Maltalingua to help improve their English, to give you an idea of all the different people, from all the different countries, that you might meet when you choose to study at Maltalingua School of English.

Maltalingua has a diverse range of people coming from all around the world, all year round. As can be seen above, many students choose to travel to Maltalingua from all around Europe, however, there are also many students who travel significantly further, such as from South Korea, Japan, Argentina, Kazakhstan, and many more.
We promote diversity and exchange at Maltalingua School of English. Here you will have the opportunity to improve your English in no time. The mix of nationalities allows you to avoid speaking with people from your own country, and it is well known that being immersed in the language is going to significantly speed up and improve your progress!
Create strong and unique bonds that will last a lifetime, and live an incredible experience with people whose goals and motivation you share.

Students who usually come for 2 or 3 weeks typically choose intensive English courses. You will learn significantly more English, and increase your level in a shorter period of time if you choose one of our Intensive English Courses. As the chart above shows many Germans, Italians and Spanish students choose to speed up their progress by selecting the Intensive English Course. To find out more about our English courses in Malta, click here!

The School Apartments are definitely the preferred accommodation for our students. A comfortable and affordable experience, students can choose to share a room or select a single room in our spacious, air-conditioned, and modern school apartments. Located just a 10-minute walk away from the school, the advantage of staying in Maltalingua's school apartments is that students continue to improve their English and spend time together after school.
For an overview of the School Apartments, click here!

At Maltalingua we have a very diverse range of age groups who study at the school all year round. A majority of our adult students are 25+, and our classrooms are balanced with a mixed range of nationalities and ages. Maltalingua also offers a 30+ option for those who feel more comfortable studying with older students.
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